MCTA is open Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
On Demand pricing
Prices: $2 City, $4 County, Same day city rides $5, Same day county rides $7
Ages: 0-12 Free with Parent or Guardian
13+ Regular Rates Apply
Out of Zone: $2.00 per mile
$15.00 per hour wait time
Share Ride: $15.00 per person each way (Mayfield, Benton) and $20.00 per person each way (Paducah)
On Demand Only: Wheel Chair passengers - Escorts ride for Free
City, County, Gold & CR Passes available at MCTA office
$20 City Pass
$40 County Pass
$30 CR Pass

MCTA Routes - Deviated Fixed Route
Gold Route $1.00 per ride
(7-5pm Mon- Fri) Gold Route ONLY runs while MSU is in session
$125 Semester Pass
Gold Route: $1.00
Community Route: $1.00
In order to schedule a deviation for the route you need to call the MCTA office 24 hours in advance to reserve your deviation for the desired day.

Weekend Service (Fri & Sat)
5:30pm-10:30pm – Friday
9am-9pm - Saturday
**NEW PHONE NUMBER 270-752-1139**

Group Outings: MCTA contracts to provide regular transportation services for an organization or group, including group outings. Call for details.

Carry-on-Package To provide safe, reliable transportation service to the public, we must limit carry-on packages to what the boarding passengers can safely bring aboard at one time and be secured within the passengers control.

Click here to view the Route Times and Locations Larger

MCTA Routes & Services


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