MCTA is open Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
On Demand pricing
Prices: $2 City, $4 County, Same day city rides $5, Same day county rides $7
Ages: 0-12 Free with Parent or Guardian
13+ Regular Rates Apply
Out of Zone: $2.00 per mile
$15.00 per hour wait time
Share Ride: $15.00 per person each way (Mayfield, Benton) and $20.00 per person each way (Paducah)
On Demand Only: Wheel Chair passengers - Escorts ride for Free
City, County, Gold & CR Passes available at MCTA office
$20 City Pass
$40 County Pass
$30 CR Pass
MCTA Routes - Deviated Fixed Route
Gold Route $1.00 per ride
(7-5pm Mon- Fri) Gold Route ONLY runs while MSU is in session
$125 Semester Pass
Gold Route: $1.00
Community Route: $1.00
In order to schedule a deviation for the route you need to call the MCTA office 24 hours in advance to reserve your deviation for the desired day.
Weekend Service (Fri & Sat)
5:30pm-10:30pm – Friday
9am-9pm - Saturday
**NEW PHONE NUMBER 270-752-1139**
Group Outings: MCTA contracts to provide regular transportation services for an organization or group, including group outings. Call for details.
Carry-on-Package To provide safe, reliable transportation service to the public, we must limit carry-on packages to what the boarding passengers can safely bring aboard at one time and be secured within the passengers control.
Click here to view the Route Times and Locations Larger